What Kanye West did was wrong and I don't approve of it. Not because of what he said(which I totally agree with) but because of when he chose to say it. His opinion is something that these blogs were made for. Not to crush a girl's dream of having the spotlight for the first time at an award show i'm sure she's watched every year since she was about 8 years old.
But as we reach the 24hr mark my opinion has not changed but my focus on my anger with the situation has changed. At first I was all for bashing Kanye but now I feel like it is amazing how they are blowing this up! Was it less than 2 weeks ago that a senator from S.C. interrupted the President of the United States and people hardly said anything but now Donald Trump wants to boycott a guy that stated his opinion about "a music video" at the wrong time??? I mean , that clip has been played and downloaded more in 24hrs than the clip of the Senator interrupting THE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES. And a couple of years ago when Seinfield's Michael Richards went on a racial tirade, it was the Seinfield DVD'S that increased in sales. What does this say as a country? As a people. Kanye West appeared sincere in his apology but will it be enough? If not, will it not be enough because out of the 3 example (Michael Richard's racial slurs , the S.C. Senator interrupting and disrespecting President Obama, and Kanye West interrupting Taylor Swift's speech) , only 1 example includes a black male disrespecting a white person? You be the judge.....
On a side note, how can Taylor Swift win for best female video and beat out Beyonce' but not even get nominated for video of the year and Beyonce' win video of the year. Don't eat all this food the media is giving you. Take what you see and still make your own diet.
Wow, my first of many blogs to come. I'm about to lay it down. Goodnight Love and Peace
I think that Kanye's actions were out of control when he took the mic out of Taylor Swifts hand but I also feel that it is an underlying issue going on with him. He recently just lost his mother and it was a tragedy. I think he has some deep rooted issues that he needs to deal with. He really needs to see a psycholgist or psychiatrist to deal with these issues. On the other hand I think he was right in his actions, but there is a time and place for everything, just like the senator from S.C. who outburst to the president caused such an uproar. Neither of these individuals shouuld have done what they did, but that is the past and now we must deal their actions.